Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (FPM) was founded in 2003 through a joint effort between the Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) University, major city and regional institutions, and important corporations to support the university’s research projects and contribute to innovating and developing the economic, productive and administrative environment. FPM is committed to building a more effective relationship between the university, industry and public administrations. Fully controlled by the Politecnico di Milano, FPM has access to and can leverage on all of its competencies and resources, including 1700 full-time professors and researchers. FPM has participated, as coordinator and as partner, to over 20 EU funded projects. Within the COSITA project the Politecnico di Milano will participate as linked third party of FPM.
POLIMI is one of the Technical Universities in Italy. It was established in 1863 and is ranked as one of the most outstanding European universities in Engineering, Architecture and Industrial Design. POLIMI participates in the project through members of Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB), belonging specifically to the DEpendable Evolvable Pervasive Software Engineering (DEEP- SE) group. DEEP-SE has been ranked among the internationally excellent groups in the software engineering area by a recent international peer review. The research activity of the DEEP-SE group focuses on techniques, tools, and frameworks for the development and run-time management of complex software systems. It encompasses a variety of aspects of such systems, ranging from modelling and analysis issues in the early phases of their development, to issues related to their implementation and run-time management.
Fondazione Politecnico di Milano is the legal entity hosting the international joint research centre open to organisations and companies built on top of the University Cluster “Safety, Security, Defence, Disaster Recovery and Management”. The main objective of the Cluster "Safety, Security, Defence, Disaster Recovery and Management", hereinafter abbreviated S2D2, is to provide a visible reference point for the full set of know-how, expertise and experiences available and active within Politecnico di Milano since a long time (cyber security, computer vision, enhanced reality, artificial intelligence, remote sensing, risk assessment, human security, explosive detection, etc.). The broad spectrum of themes covered originates from the awareness that in many cases the issues to be addressed involve more than one matter considered by the cluster. As a consequence in order not to offer a fragmented and limited support, which can only partially fulfil the needs of the party (in this case the Consortium) we have opted for a holistic approach. The issues mentioned in the title of the cluster potentially involve most of the skills and expertise available at Politecnico; the various departments of engineering, architecture, urban planning, and environment up to industrial design. The overall activity may be subdivided in different branches among which are primarily: research, consulting, partnership, and last, but not least, relevant education and training both institutional and lifelong. S2D2 want to enable cooperation both nationally and internationally. The JRC S2D2 aids to merge the original University Cluster, with Institutions, organisations and companies both public and private, who are potential partners in the initiative.
The composition of the cluster, as part of the consortium, provides the ability to freely configure an ad hoc panel of experts which perfectly suites with the specific problem to be solved. Experts are chosen both among the personnel belonging to different departments and research groups, and among experts belonging to industrial partners and Institutions. Of course the same approach applies both to educational and training projects and high level research projects and consultancy. The experience gained by the personnel over the years, both vertically in their own field of expertise and in teamwork in collaborative projects and research, guarantees the excellence of the “product” and the membership of Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (FPM) and the specialist cluster (JRC S2D2) and lead partner in this project.
The JRC S2D2 integrates the expertise provided by the following departments of Politecnico di Milano:
- Architecture and Urban Studies.
- Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering.
- Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”.
- Civil and Environmental Engineering.
- Design.
- Electronics, Information and Bioengineering.
- Energy.
- Mechanical Engineering.
Together with the Inter-University Centre for Research in Environmental Psychology (CIRPA) – La Sapienza, Roma, Italian Association for the Industrial Design (ADI) and industrial partners at national and international level.